Monthly Archives: July 2012


Colombian Conservatives place President Santos on notice

As the curtain raised on a new session of congress on Friday, Efraín Cepeda, the director of the Colombian Conservatives, warned of a ‘crisis’ in President Juan Manuel Santos’ National…


Colombia’s Twitter revolution kills off another top public figure

Colombia’s internet indignados have struck again, this time ending the career of Emilio Otero, the controversial Senate Secretary caught in the eye of the storm as the nation revolts against…

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Left-wing López capable of a Colombian presidential ‘coup’?

Resounding electoral success is not a phrase often used to describe the Colombian left; unsurprising in a country that has endured 50 years of war against Communist insurgents. If recent…


A ‘Colombian Bagdad’? Toribio, the FARC’s front-line

Boos and whistles greeted Juan Manuel Santos this morning as his presidential helicopter touched down in Toribio, south-west Colombia.  Santos lands after nearly a week of intense FARC bombardments that…

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Uribe turns Colombia’s political cold war caliente

Álvaro Uribe parked his tanks on President Juan Manuel Santos’ lawn this Thursday. At a special gathering of loyal followers in an exclusive club in the north of Bogota, Uribe…


President Santos’ fightback?

It is hard for a politician to admit failure or error. But President Juan Manuel Santos started this week by doing just that. ‘We got it wrong’ Santos told the nation,…