Monday, 24 October 2011

Are Colombian politics turning left-wing?

Colombian politics has been dominated by the right-wing for more than a decade. But things appear to be changing - President Santos has re-calibrated the government, leftwards, and the polls point to big victories for left-wing candidates across the country in Sunday's elections. Is Colombia, a traditional, conservative, and right-wing country starting to turn left-wing?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Colombian politics - Conservatives and sexual morality

The Colombian Conservative Party is on a moral crusade. Top of its list of priorities is the outlawing of abortion. Colombia is a deeply Catholic country and traditions are proudly respected here. So will the Conservatives´ campaign gain popular support?

As reported on this website a month ago, abortion in Colombia is already forbidden in all but the most extreme of cases - if the woman's life is threatened, if the pregnancy is the result of rape, or if the fetus is expected to die shortly after birth. Before 2006 abortion was illegal, in all cases. 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Colombia US trade agreement - it's the politics, stupid!

After years of procrastination, the US Senate is expected finally to sign off the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia - the House has already voted in favour.

Don't listen to the misguided voices against it, the FTA is an important and necessary step - both for Colombia and for the US.

While for Colombia the advantages of privileged access to the largest market in the world are obvious, the FTA is - for this website - of even greater importance to the US.

Failure to sign the agreement on the part of the US would represent an economic and diplomatic retraction in a key emerging market in a region of strategic geopolitical importance.

Economically the US is already in retreat in the continent. Chinese investment in Latin America continues to rise - exponentially. If the US doesn't act China will soon become the major economic force in the region.

But the agreement is about more than just trade and the economy. The FTA is also crucial for US foreign policy. There are signs the US' influence in the South is on the wane. Given Colombia is the US' closest ally in the region, the failure to deepen ties with the country would represent extreme negligence, and accelerate its diplomatic decline.

This is not a time for the US to rest on its laurels.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Colombia's personality politics and Bogota's mayoral race

Penalosa, Petro and Parody
It is impossible to predict who will become Bogota's next mayor. With less than three weeks of campaigning left, opinion polls are still pointing to a three horse race. If they are to be believed we're heading for a technical draw between Enrique Penalosa and Gustavo Petro - with Gina Parody following closely behind.

Colombia´s three big parties are the Conservatives, the Liberals and the Party of the U. Yet none of the three candidates is representing either one of these parties.

This year´s mayoral race is proof that Colombia´s politics are becoming increasingly personalised - and increasingly independent. Traditional loyalties no longer exist and party machines are less effective. The platform now matters less than the person.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Re-electing Santos in 2014 - political battle underway?

Santos' election
Colombian socialists this week launched a campaign to prevent the re-election of President Santos. Under the Polo Democratic party's proposal, Colombian presidents would be constitutionally restricted to one (sequential) term in office.

But President Santos' popularity is high, his approval rating is polling around 80%, and his coalition government controls over 90% of Colombia's Congress. If there were elections today, he would romp home. Polo are picking a fight they know they can't win. This website reveals why.