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Colombian politics is a man´s world according to figures released by the United Nations yesterday revealing that just 12% of elected politicians are women.

Despite being in the majority, Colombian women are vastly underrepresented in the upper echelons of power, and across all the political parties.

The United Nations Development Programme´s ´Ranking of male and female equality in political parties´published on Wednesday concludes “the low level of participation of women in positions of power is evident and becoming progressively concerning”.

It goes on to note “Colombia has dropped 58 places in the rankings since 2006”, revealing that just 9% of Colombia´s governships and mayoralties are in the hands of women, while as little as 13% of house representatives and 15% of senators are female.

The Liberal Party has the best record for attracting women members, while MIRA and the Conservatives are second and third respectively. But none can be content with their record.

Although the figures are depressing there is hope. In 2010, Noemi Sanin represented the blues in the presidential race while Marta Lucia Ramirez is battling to become their candidate in 2014. Clara López too, has been picked to be the Polo Democrats´presidential hopeful.

Nevertheless, these women appear to be the exception that prove the rule. There is a real lack of visible female politicians, and a real lack too of ethnic minorities in power. Colombia´s politics is often criticised for being dynastic – with the sons and nephews of senators and presidents automatically falling into the top jobs.

This weekend the world celebrates International Women´s Day. Colombia´s political elite must up their game to make it easier and more attractive for women to enter their all too exclusive club.


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