
Our commitment to the reader

Colombia Politics is not aligned to any political party, and our mission is cover the politics of the country from all angles, left, right, centre.

The site is about opinion, not just straight news.

Analysis requires political judgement and so the views of the authors will be detectable from time to time.

We hope you join in the debate by adding a comment.

Feel free to agree or disagree with what we write. After all, politics would be dull if we all shared the same view – in fact it wouldn´t exist.

Balance is important and if you feel we have gone too far or that we´re not covering the stories you want to read about, let us know.

Why Colombia Politics?

Everyone has an image of Colombia.

In 99% of cases this idea will be wrong.

By telling the story of Colombia through her politics, this website aims to chart the country’s development into an important player on the world stage.

Colombia Politics will arm you with the knowledge to take advantage of the opportunities Colombia offers for tourism and for investment.

Opportunities much of the Western world are still asleep to.

Contact me with your views, or for any research requirements on Colombia: kevinhowlett@www.colombia-politics.com.

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All Rights Reserved Colombia Politics, 2012